Mothers….The backbone of the household!!

May 12, 2014

Blog, Life Insurance

Tricia and KidsIf your like most Americans, you spent this past weekend celebrating Mothers Day.  Cookouts, shopping for flowers family gatherings what ever your family tradition, its a time we come together as families to celebrate the women/mothers in our lives.

As a son I am forever grateful to my mom.  My memories of times spent with her will never fade away.  The life lessons and conversations about the future are those in which only a mother can have.  She always had my back, and in a time of need I knew 100 % without a doubt she would be there for me.  I could be struggling with homework, or friends, having a hard time at school or at a new job.  Whenever I needed a person to call, a person to talk to my mom was/is ALWAYS there.  As I grew up and went to college, I was lucky enough to meet my future wife.  A strong, driven, independent women who has a true heart of gold.  Be it stopping along the side of the road to help a helpless animal, donating her time to charity, or helping with her family business she always puts other people first.

If your a husband and a father as I am, Mothers Day is a day you sit back and think about how grateful you really are.  For me, I think here is this amazing women who (in my case) has given birth to 3 beautiful children.  She helps to run 2 businesses, involved in a handful of non-profits, cleans the house, manages the kids when I travel, keeps food in the cupboards, makes sure our clothes are clean, and the list could go on and on.  I can honestly say our children are the joy of her life, and no matter what my wife goes through in a day, no matter how many up’s or downs she has had or if her day started at 5AM going to crossfit, if her children need here she is there.  I have admitted many times she is far stronger than I am, she can endure far more and my Children and I are blessed to have her.

If you are still reading this, you may be sitting there saying “so what, my wife does all of that as well.” My point is this.  As men, as husbands, as Fathers and as Sons, we can tend to overlook all of the small things our wives do for our family on a daily and on a weekly basis.  We forget about all of the life lessons our mothers gave us, and how for many of us without the drive and support of our moms, we may not be in the position we are in today.

Sit back for a moment as a parent, as a husband, as a father and imagine if your wife suddenly passed away.  What would like it be like?  Bad things happen to good people all the time – young wives and mothers develop breast cancer, mothers are involved in car accidents on the way to work and never make it home.  My point is this,  just because you are young, does not mean something bad can not happen to you and your family.  As sad as it is, I hear about it far to often.  So what can we do, how can we prepare our families if something tragic were to happen.  How can we insure that the cupboards will stay filled, that our kids will have food on the table and clothes on their back, that they wont lose home in addition to losing their mother?  The answer to this is Life Insurance.  I get it, I understand 100% that NO amount of money will EVER bring back a loved one, it won’t heal the pain and it won’t speed up the grieving process.  What Life Insurance can do is give you time, it can help to ease the pain – it can give you time to grieve over losing your wife, it can give you time away from work to be there for your kids.


There are benefits to life insurance while living, one being the accelerated benefit rider.  This is a rider, that will allow you to access part of the death proceeds prior to death – So imagine your wife being given less than 12 months to live.  Your children are 12, 10, & 8 based on what the Dr’s have said she wont make it to graduation day, to their wedding days, but what if you had time away as a family?  Time away to enjoy the last year together?  See Life Insurance CAN DO THAT – if can give you time.  It can allow you to put life on hold, to make memories that other wise would not exist.

To wrap this up here is how I see it.  MOMS are the backbone of the household, they hold it together when we as husbands just want to crawl into bed.  But what happens if mom is no longer around?  If you can not work late hours, have a job that entails traveling how will you pay the bills?  As we honor our wives and moms, and thank them for all that they do, think about what life would be like without them?  How would you carry on?  Could you afford it?