Have you ever had one of those days where you are extremely busy with objective A, yet you feel compelled to do something else? Well for me, today is one of those days, and this…
By: Joel McKinnon If you are looking for recreational vehicle insurance in Ohio we can help. We are proud to offer Foremost Insurance, an insurance company that specializes in "toy" insurance. All Terrain Vehicle …
As a consumer, we tend to get wrapped up in the advertisements we watch on TV, read in magazines, see on social media or hear about on the radio. In our current economy we are…
From the day my daughter was born, I started wondering what it will be like the day I walk her down the isle. What emotions will I be feeling, what will the venue look like,…
Summer is here and for a lot of us that means it’s time to do some remodeling around the house. You may want to add a patio with built in grill and Jacuzzi tub, or…
With all of the storms that have been impacting our area lately, as an Insurance Agent I feel I should offer up "some advice."I am often asked following a storm "Should I file a claim" - There…
This past week the "Champion" agents (Top 3% of agents in Farmers) from Farmers Insurance Celebrated their 2012 accomplishments in Chicago. Championship this year was special for several reasons - for me, this was the…
With all of the storms that have been impacting our area lately, as an Insurance Agent I feel I should offer up "some advice."I am often asked following a storm "Should I file a claim"…
Summer is here and for a lot of us that means it’s time to do some remodeling around the house. You may want to add a patio with built in grill and Jacuzzi tub, or you…